Department of Biology
Institute of Plant Science and Microbiology
    Division BEE  >  Biodiversity & Ecology  >  Vol.7 >  Article 3

Biodiversity & Ecology

 3 Morphology    Book chapter 3   

Morphology and vegetation features of the Namib Fairy Circles

Norbert Jürgens

*Corresponding author contact: norbert.juergens@uni-hamburg.de

Biodiversity & Ecology  (Biodivers. Ecol.)

Volume 7, pages 25-35,

Abstract: Chapter 3 allows a brief look at the overall gross morphology and additional features in the vegetation of the Namib Fairy Circles. It will enable the reader to distinguish fairy circles from most other bare patches which occur in the vegetation of the Namib Desert. The chapter also introduces to the various circular belts of vegetation which often surround the central bare patch. For each of these construction elements a name, a description and a discussion of their causation and functional properties is offered.

Suggested citation:
Jürgens, N. (2022): Morphology and vegetation features of the Namib Fairy Circles – In: Schmiedel, U. & Finckh, M. (Eds.) Fairy circles of the Namib Desert – Ecosystem engineering by subterranean social insects. – Biodiversity & Ecology 7: 25-35.