Department of Biology
Institute of Plant Science and Microbiology
    Division BEE  >  Biodiversity & Ecology  >  Vol.7 >  Article 4

Biodiversity & Ecology

 4 Debate    Book chapter 4   

The debate on the origin of Fairy Circles in the Namib and the role of termites as their originators

Norbert Jürgens, with contributions by Alexander Gröngröft, Gunter, F., Henschel, J.R., Oldeland, J., Oncken, I., Picker, M.D.

*Corresponding author contact: norbert.juergens@uni-hamburg.de

Biodiversity & Ecology  (Biodivers. Ecol.)

Volume 7, pages 36-75,

Abstract: This chapter briefly reports the most frequently discussed hypotheses that have been proposed to explain the origin of the fairy circles of the Namib Desert. A chronology of the published hypotheses introduces the arguments proposed by the different authors and the kinds of investigations that were conducted. The four main hypotheses are summarized in a table to facilitate comparison of the pros and cons of each. The table is accompanied by a short review of experimental evidence which – in summary – supports a causative role of termite species. Among these, especially the sand termites of the genus Psammotermes and harvester termites of the Hodotermitidae, are discussed with regard to their biology and ecology.

Suggested citation:
Jürgens, N., with contributions by Gröngröft, A., Gunter, F., Henschel, J.R., Oldeland, J., Oncken, I., Picker, M.D. (2022): The debate on the origin of Fairy Circles in the Namib and the role of termites as their originators – In: Schmiedel, U. & Finckh, M. (Eds.) Fairy circles of the Namib Desert – Ecosystem engineering by subterranean social insects. – Biodiversity & Ecology 7: 36-75.